James A. Hutchins Jr.

Associated Building(s): Love House and Hutchins Forum;
Other Relationships: Football Player, United States Department of Agriculture
Birthplace: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Lifespan: 1917/2002
Race: White
Sex: Male
Relationship(s) to University: Alumni
Era(s): 20th Century Modernization, World War II
Involvement(s): Progressivism
Narrative: https://unchistory.web.unc.edu/building-narratives/the-love-house-and-hutchins-forum/
More info: http://south.unc.edu/programming/hutchins-lectures/james-a-hutchins/
Latitude/Longitude: 36.100113, -80.271269
James Alexander Hutchins Jr. (1917-2002) first came to UNC-Chapel Hill in 1933 where he joined the football team and received his B.A. and M.A. degrees under the direction of Howard Odum. Hutchins served in the Navy during World War II, but dedicated most of his life toward fighting world hunger. He is a creator of school lunch programs, a founder of CARE, and helped regulate farm prices and commodities both domestically and internationally.