Katherine K. Carmichael

Associated Building(s): Carmichael Residence Hall;
Other Relationships: Professor of English, Dean of Women
Birthplace: Birmingham, Alabama
Lifespan: 1912/1982
Race: White
Sex: Female
Relationship(s) to University: Administrator, Professor
Era(s): 20th Century Modernization
Involvement(s): Women's Rights
Narrative: http://unchistory.web.unc.edu/building-narratives/carmichael-residence-hall/
More info: https://museum.unc.edu/exhibits/show/names/carmichael-residence-hall
Latitude/Longitude: 33.521762, -86.826133
Katherine Kennedy Carmichael was an English professor who became Dean of Women. During her tenure as dean from 1946-1972, the number of women students at UNC increased from 16 to 37 percent. Her office also enforced dress codes, curfews, and rules about ladylike behavior for female students.