William Rand Kenan Jr.

Associated Building(s): Kenan Labs; Kenan Music Building; Kenan Center;
Other Relationships: Founded the Union Carbide Company
Birthplace: Wilmington, North Carolina
Lifespan: 1872-04-27/1965-07-28
Race: White
Sex: Male
Relationship(s) to University: Alumni, Benefactor
Era(s): 20th Century Modernization, Gilded Age, The Great Depression, World War I
Involvement(s): Progressivism
Narrative: https://unchistory.web.unc.edu/building-narratives/kenan-memorial-stadium/
More info: http://ncpedia.org/biography/kenan-william-rand-jr
Latitude/Longitude: 34.221042, -77.939039
William Rand Kenan, Jr. (1872-1965) was a wealthy UNC alum and former UNC baseball and football player who worked in New York in the carbide industry. In 1926, he donated $275,000 towards the construction of a new football stadium and made subsequant large donations through the rest of his life to the stadium and its improvements.